Public Art -
Breaking Through the Palace Walls
Curious to learn more about the history and roots of Public Art? What does Public Art even really mean? Who decides what gets to be displayed on the city streets?
Who is behind the process of artist selection? How to consider what the residents’ response might be to these works? What are the biggest controversies in the Public Art field? And who are the biggest players today?
Join us for a tour on the historical streets of NYC where you can view some of the best and most inspiring Public Arts projects ever made!
These thought-provoking artworks will make you laugh, cry, and take you on a journey into the secret art world of the city that never sleeps.

Kehinde Wiley's "Rumors of War"
Photo by: rblfmr / SHutterstock.com

Mountains, museums, bridges, and Central Park were just some of what he used to make astonishing and popular art with his wife and collaborator, Jeanne-Claude. For over 60 years the couple created pubic art projects that were bigger than life. Years in the making, each project was an epic scale environmental creation that touched the lives of millions around the world. Join us for a spectacular adventure between their most fabulous projects. From wrapping the Reichstag in Berlin, to the golden gates that covered Central park, from the Floating Piers in Italy to the surrounded Islands in Miami. But what are the errors all about? join the lecture and get all the scoop.